When the reader is ready … the book appears!™

If tuning in to new ideas is what makes you grow
spiritually and intellectually,
what better tool than a book?

We sometimes say we publish books for "spirit nerds, humanitarians, and nature lovers." But labels can be limiting. So let's just say, fiction or nonfiction, our books encapsulate treasures for your discovery.

We are a traditional-model small press publishing company. That means we pay our authors, not the other way around. Our objective as Jolibro Publishing is to bring you new information, new materials, new perspectives and experiences from the highest and best sources, by which to enhance your personal, multi-dimensional Being.


Transformation? We’re here to help you speed the process.

Sometimes the book that sparks your next ah-ha might be written as fantasy.

Or science fiction suspense.

Other times the book you need might explain how to conduct a “quiet sit” in the woods. Or lead you to venture a deep dive into spiritual philosophies you hadn’t encountered before.

If you're a seeker after truth, or you're just looking for entertainment, we’ve got your book needs "covered."
(We love puns—sorry!)

Happy reading!

Lianne & Joseph Downey, Publishers

Lianne & Joseph at the beach