LONESOME FOR WILDERNESS: Tracking and Trailing in Forest, Desert, or Your Own Back Yard by Linda Jo Hunter won a Starred Review in Library Journal's June 2024 edition!"Professional wilderness tracker Hunter (Lonesome for Bears) has trekked through wild areas on her own, guided groups on bear sighting expeditions, helped search for missing people in dangerous areas, and more. Her book teaches readers that there is nothing as valuable as being still and taking in their surroundings. In nature, taking the time to be observant can be the difference between seeing something spectacular or missing a special sight. For readers curious about how tracking works and what they can gain from training, Hunter’s book offers wonderful, vividly described stories that indicate the skill sets required to successfully decipher the mysteries of what has gone on before they arrive at a stream or cliffside. This book offers frank facts about what one may encounter in the wilderness, and it gives plenty of resources for additional learning about tracking and enjoying the wilderness in ways that most readers have probably never pondered.

"VERDICT A lovely book for nature lovers and for readers interested in wilderness exploration and tracking, filled with both reflection and timeless information." Reviewed by Elizabeth Majka , Jun 01, 2024
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And that was in addition to the enthusiastic endorsements shared by tracking experts and readers everywhere for Lonesome for Wilderness. We were lucky to attend a fun and successful launch for the book in June at North Bank Books in Stevenson, Washington. We also got to spend a day in the woods with Linda (holding iPad) and her tracking partner Jane Doudney, waiting for the beavers to show themselves in a pond they built last year. Didn't see any that day, probably because Joseph & I were making too much noise marveling at the beauty (and bear tracks) all around us!
THE VOICE OF VENUS: Collector's Edition by Ernest L. Norman (1904–1971), with exclusive visionary illustrations by R. E. Moore, won a Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) 2023 Bronze Medal in the Iconic Books category!
We are grateful to all those who voted in recognition of this extraordinary classic. Book One of The Pulse of Creation series introduces Ernest L. Norman's universal, interdimensional science of life, which has been continuously validated by conventional science throughout its seven decades. With much more yet to be discovered! It's a must for your Body/Mind/Spirit bookshelf.
The Afterlife of Linda Jo Hunter