The Voice of Eros

The Voice of Eros

The Voice of Eros
The Pulse of Creation Book 2
By Ernest L. Norman
Published by Jolibro Publishing, Spilled Secrets
Illustrated for the first time!
    The visionary tour continues!


With full-color illustrations exclusive to Jolibro Publishing's Collector’s Edition, Book Two of The Pulse of Creation series will take you even closer to the luminous classrooms on the Inner worlds of the Seven Shamballas. On Eros, you will:

  • Learn about biocentric, triocentric, and quadrocentric soul mates
  • Experience an energy-flame Ceremony of Initiation
  • Discover night classes to attend while you sleep on Earth
  • Find new ways to climb your personal ladder of spiritual evolution
“There’s science in everything,” Leonardo da Vinci tells us from his vantage point on Eros, a higher-dimensional world that focuses on developing and teaching that interdimensional science for the benefit of humanity, wherever it resides.


You’ll visit scintillating amphitheaters where Flame Beings provide the instruction. You’ll learn about the energy origins of Earth’s viruses, the operations that separate destructively entangled souls, and the portals of Parhelion, through which you’ll pass to catch glimpses of other Shamballa learning centers.

You’ll tour special libraries, galleries, and temples created by Lighted Minds to aid progressing souls as they carry out their unique plans for spiritual self-transformation.

Through mental contacts set up and carried out by author Ernest L. Norman over a period of weeks, Leonardo is soon joined by others among his afterlife colleagues who step up to the mic, including Nikola Tesla, Hilarion/Krishna, Leonardo’s biocentric polarity Iona, William Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Robert Louis Stevenson, Confucius, Helena Blavatsky, Lao-Tse, Maha Chohan, Michael Faraday/Pericles, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gamaliel, and more.


While you read, you will be attuned to their higher-frequency energies impinged in these transmissions for your healing benefit. You may discover keys to your future, insight into your own past lives, or a new awareness of the interdimensional science that guides your existence on Earth—and beyond!


Ernest L. Norman, speaking about his psychic visit to the higher-dimensional plane of Eros:


“Far below me on the plain, I saw another wonderful and beautiful city. This one was laid out like a huge wheel with seven huge spokes, with a very wide rim. In the center, or the hub, was another huge domed temple and, like the others before it, it was of the glittering, glowing, pulsating crystal, and even much more so.  The atmosphere or air, if we can term it such, seemed to be swirling with this infusion of wonderful light. There was no sun overhead. The light seemed to come from everywhere about us and [Nikola] Tesla told me that there was no sun on this planet; instead, the light came directly from the central vortex, which earth people call God.”—Excerpt from The Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation

The Interdimensional Spokes of Parhelion
The Interdimensional Spokes of Parhelion  by Roslynn E. Moore (artist)
Exclusive to The Voice of Eros: Collector's Edition (Illustration copyright 2022)

* * * *

Available wherever you buy books, globally!

ISBN  978-1-953474-03-2 (Hardcover, color)

ISBN  978-1-953474-04-9 (eBook, color)
ISBN  978-1-953474-05-6 (Paperback, b&w)